Bridge Kids

Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 19:14
At The Bridge
Bridge Kids is our children’s ministry. The children can arrive 30 minutes early every Sunday for the parents’ convenience, that way they have plenty of time to check the kids in and fellowship with other adults before the worship services begin. All our volunteers are screened, your child’s safety is a top priority.
About Bridge Kids

Infants - Toddlers 0-4
Caring leaders introduce babies and toddlers to God's love by creating a safe, comfortable atmosphere. Beginning at two years, your child will experience Bible stories, videos, and structured activities that help them begin to learn that God made them, God loves them, and Jesus wants to be their friend forever!

Kids 5-11
Children in to 5th-grade experience high-energy worship, a chronological study through the Bible, engaging age-appropriate activities, and intentional small groups. A fun environment is the setting for kids to build strong relationships with each other and their leaders as they learn about God.

How We Teach
We use The Gospel project, it is a chronological Bible study that shows how all Scripture points us to Jesus. What we’re trying to do with this Bible study is to help kids of all ages see how the Bible fits together to tell one big story—God’s plan to rescue and redeem sinners through faith in Jesus Christ.