Bridge Youth

Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12
At the Bridge
At The Bridge we know that our youth are the future of the church! We want them to know that God created each of them for their own unique purpose! We also want them to learn that it is all about Jesus! Our youth meet every Sunday day at 9am as well as at other times for different events and service projects throughout our community.
Things to Know

Study Groups
Study groups is where we help our youth grow spiritually and connect relationally through God’s Word. The goal of The Bridge Youth study group is to provide a space for the Bible to be taught, community to be built, and spiritual growth to take place.

Hangouts are specifically intended for Bridge Youth to have fun together! Hangouts can be as simple as watching a football game or as adventurous as a day at the zoo. The goal of these events is to connect relationally through shared experiences amongst students and leaders.

Outreach events are where we emphasize reaching the lost by providing a fun experience. The goal of these events is to create a welcoming environment to draw in the disengaged, share the gospel, and allow students the opportunity to respond.

Parent Gatherings are all about informing parents and equipping them as the primary influencers and trainers of their families. The goal of these nights is to communicate how our ministry desires to walk alongside parents as they develop a family rhythm of discipleship with their students.